
Emphasis Telematics S.A., based in Athens, Greece, was founded in 1995. Its target is to fulfill extraordinary business needs in the areas of Fleet Tracking and Management, Remote Monitoring and Telematics, as well as Supply Chain Execution.

The Greco-Germanic School offers automated parent notification on school transport.

September 2010


The Greco-Germanic School, one of the largest and most modernized private schools, installed the fleet management system e-TRACK by
Emphasis Telematics on the entirety of the school’s buses, aiming to improve the design and organization of the bus schedules, the tracking of the progress of the routes in real time, and of course the automated notification of the parents on the routes that interest each of them.

The system is in operation since September of 2009 for the school’s management and personnel, and recently it was decided to extend into dynamic parent notification.

By sending an SMS message to a predetermined number, the parent receives an answer with the position of the school bus(es) which carry their child or children, and whether the bus is ahead or behind (and how long) of schedule.

In more detail, the benefits gained from the use of e-TRACK at the Greco-Germanic school, are:

  • Geographic recording of all stops and all student homes.
  • Design of routes on updated and dynamic maps.
  • Finding of nearest routes which can accommodate a new stop.
  • Tracking of route progress
  • Monitoring of possible geographic and/or time deviations.
  • Confirmation of strict adherence to the Drivers Code by the buses.
  • Analytic and aggregate reports on student servicing and the transport effort in general.
  • Dynamic notification of parents through SMS or email.

For all the above, an online bridge was created between the school’s information technology system and e-TRACK, so that common information is shared (student stops, bus routes and schedules, etc.)